Monster (モンスター, Monsutā, sometimes referred to as "Naoki Urasawa's Monster") is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Naoki Urasawa. It was published by Shogakukan in their Big Comic Original magazine between 1994 and 2001, with the chapters collected and reprinted into 18 tankōbon volumes. The story revolves around Kenzō Tenma, a Japanese surgeon living in Germany whose life enters turmoil after getting himself involved with Johan Liebert, one of his former patients who is revealed to be a dangerous psychopath.
Urasawa later wrote and illustrated the novel Another Monster, a story detailing the events of the manga from an investigative reporter's point of view, which was published in 2002. The manga was adapted by Madhouse into a 74-episode anime TV series, which aired on NTV from April 2004 to September 2005. It was directed by Masayuki Kojima, written by Tatsuhiko Urahata and featured character design by Kitarō Kōsaka. The manga and anime have both been licensed by Viz Media for English releases in North America, with the anime having been broadcast on several television channels. In 2013, Siren Visual licensed the anime for Australasia. Monster has been critically acclaimed, with the manga having won several awards and its anime adaptation being called one of the best of the decade.
End this suffering
You made a monster of me
Through all your wicked lies
Forever tortured by you
Abandoned at death's door
Until I said no more
Don't look away
You're just a former regret of mine
And when you want, just look away
You're just a former regret of mine
Erasing now
You made a rock star of me
Gave me this wicked life
Paid to be tortured by you
A life I now abhor
And still I say, no more
Think over all of the shit in your mind
Think over and come to grip with it